Diablog is a group blog dedicated to open philosophical dialogue on questions of interest to philosophers and anyone who enjoys philosophy. Our bloggers are all professional, working philosophers. We blog pseudonymously to keep the focus on the ideas being offered — not on who is offering the ideas.
Our goal is to create the atmosphere that you would find in a great philosophy seminar or colloquium. Discussion of our posts is strongly encouraged. We want to start a dialogue! Anonymous comments are, obviously, allowed. Any relevant ideas can be defended on the blog or in the comments. We only ask that you give reasons for your beliefs that can be publicly evaluated.
Our content moderation policy:
– No pornography or other disturbing images.
– No advertisements.
– No spam.
– No gratuitous personal insults or gossip about particular philosophers.
– Play nice.
We also welcome submissions from any members of the philosophical community. If you want to contribute to our “Why Should I Care About Philosophy?” series, start a dialogue about an issue that’s relevant to the philosophical community, or write a response to any of the posts here on Diablog, we’d love to have you contribute! Contact us at [email protected].